Photos October 2014
ACHR Friends Photos for October 2014 .... 

Congratulations to Somsook Boonyabancha
( Sec General of ACHR and former director of CODI - Thailand.) Somsook was selected as one of 250 high profile Thai citizens to be part of the National Reform Council - in short trusted people to bring forth a new and peaceful way forward for Thai politics and society after the divisions in the society over the past years. From the 250, 20 were selected to be the committee to take a leading roll in drafting a new constitution and way forward. Somsook was again selected as one of those 20 prominent citizens. Somsook’s strong belief and vast experience in promoting people-centred development and social justice gives the new committee potential for an inclusive and progressive way forward for Thailand …. albeit with many dilemmas and obstacles in a busy next few months.
28 Oct 2014


Oct 20: Friends in the urban poor movement in Indonesia celebrate at the inauguration of
Joko Wildodo as Indonesia's new "pro poor" president.



Below: Perween Rahman Fellowship  team from Ladakh project on the way to project site, 
crossing the highest motor-able road in the world

SEE MORE PHOTOS of the Perween Rahman Fellowship projects through Asia
HERE at the PRF Facebook page of Albums

Below: A joint team in Valenzuela (Philippines) collaborated with CAN to organize a national workshop on barangay-wide mapping and planning by people (October 2-4), in which the active process in Barangay Mapulang Lupa was used as an example to teach and inspire community networks and local officials in other cities and barangays to do the same. 

Below Minh Chau and Tee at the Mapping Workshop Philippines

On the mapping process and workshop   ... 1 page extract from Oct 2014 ACHR E-News


A Talk with Jorge Anzorena: On Letters for the Community Architects
by Maria Dewi

A student of Fr Jorge records an interview in Japan published October 19

from external website 

Also: but on the  ACHR Website: 2011 
A transcript of Fr. Jorge Anzoren's 34 years experiences with Asia's urban poor development supporters and friends. 

PDF file with photos. 1.36 mobs 

Ceila Tuason (left), one of the national leaders in the Philippines Homeless People's Federation, has died on October 9th, after struggling against cancer for some time. In the Philippines federation, most of the national and local leaders are women, and they have an affectionate tradition of referring to these leaders collectively as "the mothers." Most of them are, in fact, mothers, and, like Celia, have numbers of children to look after.  A sad day for ACHR, SDI and Federations friends.

Extract from Oct E-News : ACHR friens say goodbye to 3 friends, Celia Tuason, Fr John Daly and Patrick Magebhula 3 pages 


Out NOW ! October Edition 

 May take a few minutes ....
Reduced to 4.1 Mgbs 15 pages .... may not print with density .... contact us  (above) for more dense printable version.
Well done editors ....  Ariel Sheperd and Francesco Pasta working out of Jalarta and Thailand .... with help from the network.

Photo from Pimpim at Tibet Heritage Fund northern India

(Below) Yutaka and Pimpim creative photography from Tibet Heritage Fund

Below: Building Codes in Katmandu ?
Photo from Lumanti


If you wish to inform your city of urban poor issues, pro-poor policies, and other city issues you cannot go past URC's informative FACE Book page as a model for information. Wish our firends in ACHR would set up similar pages for their cities. Have a LOOK at URC's FB page.



In October ACHR also published its Poverty Lines Newsletter
Available for download in the LIBRARY = above - NEWSLETTERS

More Soon in Extras for November 2014